Every Regulatory Database membership includes our comprehensive Chemicals content set, offering global coverage of chemicals regulation. This set leverages the expertise of Chemical Watch and Enhesa to provide top-tier regulatory information.
A simpler way to stay compliant
Chemicals regulations are growing more complex and wide-ranging. Navigating multiple global regulatory regimes to understand and maintain compliance can be quite challenging.
This content set simplifies compliance management by providing all necessary information for 279 jurisdictions, including national, state, and supranational regulations. The standardised format ensures you can quickly understand and apply the regulations relevant to you.
Our global team of experts at Chemical Watch and Enhesa ensures that our content is thoroughly researched and regularly updated. This guarantees that your information is always accurate, verified, and current.
What's covered?
This content set offers comprehensive coverage of chemicals regulation, including all relevant legislation and regulatory obligations. It addresses chemical content in products, general chemicals management, labelling, packaging, and end-of-life requirements.
We don’t cover sectors with extensive additional compliance regimes, such as food/feed and its additives, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. However, we do include related regulations like packaging waste and RoHS.
The content set spans 279 jurisdictions, ensuring coverage of all major global markets. It includes both general and sector-specific regulations throughout the entire compliance life-cycle of chemicals in products.
The content set features both ‘Baselines’ for the current regulatory landscape and ‘Forecasters’ for upcoming regulations. This dual approach helps you stay informed about present requirements and prepare for future changes.
Who could benefit from this dataset?
Chemicals regulation impacts a vast range of products across nearly every sector. Consequently, this content set is invaluable for most organisations involved in manufacturing and marketing products.
This content set is relevant to both upstream and downstream companies and can be combined with our other content sets for a solution which provides a very comprehensive level of regulatory coverage in a given sector.